MNCM 2021 Annual Conference

Pre-Conference Agenda

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

12:45–1:00 p.m.


Julie Sonier, MPA, President and CEO, MN Community Measurement

Julie Sonier, MPA, President and CEO of MN Community Measurement will welcome attendees and highlight MNCM’s vision for engaging the community to accelerate progress on improvement of mental health outcomes in the region – and share how the engagement of stakeholders at the Mental Health Summit will help to catalyze improvement goals for 2021.

Learning objectives:

  1. Describe the most recent data on depression outcomes in Minnesota (reflecting pre-pandemic state).
  2. List activities under way to bring the community together to improve depression care in Minnesota.

1:00–1:45 p.m.

From Measurement to Action: Leveraging Data to Build the Bridges to Better Mental Health

Dan Gillison, CEO, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

The opening keynote presentation will provide critical context on the state of mental health and mental health care in the United States and the region, highlight the reasons why now is the time for the community to take action, and provide key insights on how stakeholders can leverage data to inform action and achieve better outcomes. The presentation will include an overview of current trends in mental health nationally and regionally and highlight the latest data on mental health care outcomes.

Learning objectives:

  1. Describe current trends and the latest data on mental health care outcomes nationally and regionally.
  2. List examples of how NAMI, American Psychiatric Association (APA), and other leading organizations are leveraging data to inform action and improve outcomes.

1:45–2:30 p.m.

Strategies for Success: Minnesota Providers’ Experiences in Improving Depression Care

Deb Krause, Regional Strategic Advisor, Minnesota Health Leadership Council
Angeline Carlson, PhD, Chief Manager, Data Intelligence Consultants

MN Community Measurement is excited to offer new insights on practices Minnesota health care providers are using to overcome barriers and successfully improve outcomes in depression care. This session will highlight new information gathered through a best practices study funded by a prestigious Eugene B. Washington Community Engagement Award from the Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The session will highlight best clinical practices and other significant factors associated with the successful care management for persons diagnosed with depression, as well as common challenges and potential opportunities to improve care.

Learning objectives:

  1. Identify key factors associated with successful care management for persons diagnosed with depression.
  2. List common challenges and barriers to implementing the collaborative care model.
  3. Identify opportunities to make progress on improving depression care and patient outcomes.

2:30–2:45 p.m.

Break and Exhibits

2:45–3:45 p.m.

Community Dialogues to Advance Improvement

Central/NE Minnesota Panelists: TBA
West/NW Minnesota Panelists: TBA
Twin Cities Metro Panelists: TBA
Southern MN Panelists: TBA

Regional breakout sessions will provide the opportunity for community stakeholders to reflect on the information presented and discuss how it relates to the nuances that exist within their local areas. The community dialogues will bring together health care payers, providers, purchasers, and other community stakeholders to build relationships and identify key strategies and action steps that could be taken in the region to accelerate improvement of mental health outcomes.

Learning objectives:

  1. Understand factors influencing mental health care and outcomes in the region.
  2. Identify action steps that could be taken in the region to accelerate improvement in mental health outcomes.

3:45–4:15 p.m.

Moving Forward Together – From Ideas to Action

Darcy Gruttadaro, JD, Director, Center for Workplace Mental Health, American Psychiatric Association Foundation

The closing session will synthesize the major themes and strategies that emerged throughout the summit, including reports from each region on the action steps identified to accelerate improvement. Attendees will hear from national experts on how and why Minnesota is uniquely positioned to lead the nation in accelerating improvement in mental health outcomes, and the resources available to support each type of stakeholder – health care providers, payers, purchasers, and community members – in doing their part to drive more rapid change.

Learning objectives:

  1. Summarize action steps identified in regional conversations to accelerate improvement in mental health outcomes.
  2. Describe resources available to support health care providers, payers, purchasers, and community members in their respective roles.

4:15–4:30 p.m.

Closing Remarks

Julie Sonier, MPA, President and CEO of MN Community Measurement

Conference Agenda
Continuing Education
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