Who We Serve
MNCM services empower health care decision makers with meaningful data to drive improvement. We strive to deliver products that meet the specific needs of each community partner.
Measurement & Reporting
MNCM is proud to partner with several organizations that support statewide measurement and reporting. Measurement and reporting services include measures of both clinical quality and health care cost. Many health care experts and community members help shape our work.
The Measurement and Reporting Committee (MARC) recommends measurement priorities, specifications, guiding principles and policies for public reporting of measurement data.
CHIRP Facilitated Data Sharing Program
MNCM’s Common Health Information Reporting Partnership (CHIRP) offers a facilitated data sharing program, streamlining the bi-directional sharing of patient-level data between health care payers and providers for specified use cases that have been defined and agreed upon by MNCM’s CHIRP Governance Committee. The goal of CHIRP is to drive health care improvement by facilitating standardized data sharing that is timely, actionable, consistent, and complete. As part of the provider-to-payer component of CHIRP’s facilitated data sharing program, medical groups participate with MNCM in data validation through NCQA’s Data Aggregator Validation program.
For more information, contact the CHIRP Program Manager, Maegi Yang, at support@mncm.org.

Collaboration & Innovation
Contract Services
MNCM offers a variety of contract services to support other organizations, academic institutions, grantors, and researchers in efforts that are aligned with our mission.